Today I want to talk about a much maligned man, a man probably, whatever Khalid bin Mahfouz might say - the most slandered and libelled man alive today. Assuming that he is still alive, of course, which may be doubtful.
That man, of course, is Osama bin Laden.
I should point out that I don't at all believe the official party line we've all been fed about his being a mad and dangerous fundamentalist living the goatherd life up in the Hindu Kush. The man is not an ascetic. He's a multimillionaire, a playboy, a member of the Saudi elite. This might play into the support for the official line, as the Saudi elite have been painted as Wahhabist madmen, but thats not really true either. Those who have studied the Cathars of medieval France may recognise the pattern: a gang of prohibitionist, Puritan religious fanatics who forbade any sexual activity at all but whose leaders, in secret from their followers, practiced unspeakable sexual perversions amongst themselves. So it is in Arabia: the normal people are religious, the elites employ repressive security aparatii to keep them that way, but the elites themselves are drug-addled murderous kiddie-fiddlers.
There's a woman called Kola Boof, a Somali I believe but raised by Americans, who found herself back in Africa working as an actress and being kidnapped into sexual slavery by ObL. Might not sound like a defence of him, but I'm defending him against the common slurs, not putting him forward for sainthood. This was long after his nominal conversion to fundamentalism but the man she was with when she first encountered Osama, a date of hers who was a footballer, described him as "Arab mafia", not a fundamentalist. And the description of him there is that of a "gangbanger" (as she calls him) hanging loose with his crew. His posse. I'm not entirely familiar with this jargon, but I think that's right.
Right or not, it reminds me of someone else: Mo Atta, described in Welcome to Terrorland by the staff of a restaurant who served him as all blinged up. They assumed he was a mafioso. And of course, through Wally Hilliard and the seperate testimony of his then stripper moll Amanda Keller, Atta was implicated in the supply of illegal drugs, a known mafia activity.
So my position on bin Laden is this, he wasn't a terrorist in the usual sense, he wasn't a fundamentalist, he probably didn't even know 9/11 was going to happen, although he may have done. He certainly wasn't the brains behind it. He's a patsy. He's Lee Harvey Oswald. He's Barry Seal. He's an intelligence agent who doesn't realise the plan of his handlers is to implicate him for their crimes and for him to pay the penalty. But there are no Soviets or Cubans or Columbian cartels this time to take the ultimate blame, so he's left on the loose, more or less, in his little Kush cave, to provide a continuing spectre of menace.
So have some sympathy, he's a man who's been used and abused then dumped in a cave, far away from the dope and pussy and modern amenities he's so fond of.
Certainly his career follows a similar trajectory to that of Seal and Oswald. Those two became involved in the intelligence world at an early age in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol under paedophile, bishop, hypnotist, cancer-researcher, gun runner and intelligence agent David Ferrie's tutelage. Barry took to the air like a duck to water and spent the next three decades, give or take, flying drugs, guns, explosives and anything else to and from Cuba, Arkansas, South America.
Oswald went into the armed forces, was taught how to speak Russian and put in air traffic control radar for the U2. Then, the theory goes, he was sent to Russia as a faux defector to give them the ability to shoot down the U2 and scupper Eisenhower's peace notions. Between army and defection he'd worked at an intel-linked photo analysis business. After defection he waltzed back into America without so much as a by-your-leave, started working with the anti-Castro Cubans with their known intelligence links, for Bannister, for del Charro linked companies and so on. Even while he was in Russia people were using his name and papers to lay a false paper trail for him. His entire adult life he moved in a web of intrigue.
So it is with old Osama. He grew up the scion of a rich family, albeit the youngest son by an unfavoured wife, and he did what his equivalent in the west would do, the Old Etonian domination of MI6, the Yale domination of the CIA and so forth. He went into intelligence, back when it was the done thing for the Saudi rich to support the Mujahids in Afghanistan. He was young and enthusiastic, he got a bit more involved than most and went to visit their quaint little training camps. Got himself onto the CIA's database of supporters, The Base aka al-Qaeda. During this period he must have made ties with his fellow intelligence agents and anti-Soviets in the CIA. He later bragged to Boof that he had been a psychic spy and an agent trainer for the CIA, the latter claim at least not being far from his official role of recruitment and logistics.
After that he went back to his playboy, dope fiend lifestyle, living it up like the mafiya he was, wives and molls and terrorist covert ops buds all over the place. Even tried to set up as a businessman. A right little James Bond. Stayed in touch with his family, although they were later forced to deny it. Kept receiving money from the Saudi government, although they claimed to have revoked his passport.
Then his covert ops group was hung out to dry by the US over the embassy bombings, whether he was really behind them or not is immaterial, and he was sent to the world's biggest Agency safe house and open-air drug den: Afghanistan. Forced to STAY there. Forced to smuggle cameras past the Taleban, who were not in fact particularly fond of the foreign forces on their soil, whoever they were really working for, because those bearded worthies feared the theft of their souls.
I'm guessing he didn't get so much pussy from then on.
But the Agency kept him safe. When the Talibs tried to extradite him for the embassy bombings, America bombed them. When they tried the same thing after 9/11? Bombed 'em again. A message was being sent: when we say "we want to bring him to justice", we don't mean "we want to bring him to justice". So, the Talibs go tthe message. Between the two they kept him safe.
It may surprise some to know that there were differences between "al-Qaeda" (the bin Laden special ops group) and the Taleban, the government of Afghanistan. Now they were fundamentalists. They have no history of doping, whoring, or living la vida loca. They were ascetics. They seized power because they were popular. They were a small group of students who rode a wave of popular discontent into power as a result of two incidents of children being kidnapped into sexual slavery by warlords. I'm naturally in sympathy with a gang of bearded, Spartan teetotalers. This is what led to their downfall. They thought they had enough power to force the warlords to stop the drug trade as well as the kiddie-fiddling. They almost totally eliminated heroin production in their part of Afghanistan. That, I believe, was their ultimate mistake.
Nearly every American war centres on drugs, the rest on oil. Somalia - oil. Vietnam - drugs. Kosovo - drugs. To stamp out drugs was to America what a red flag is to a bull. Afghanistan, the producer now of 90% of the world's heroin, is an obvious candidate. Again. The part of Afghanistan not under Taleban control had maintained its role in the drug trade. So, I believe one of the factors behind 9/11 was to evict the Taleban and restart drug production. To free the paedophile narco war lords from the religious dictatorship of the Taleban.
This is something that confused me. Assuming ObL was involved in 9/11: why? The connections Hopsicker has uncovered are unquestionable, but they're all drug lords, fraudsters, and those who protect such people. Money. Why would this gang of swindlers and "legitimate businessmen" get involved in terrorism? I can see why the CIA might, and these people are all affiliates to that sort fo intelligence meta-group, but still. But this is why: a 90% state in the global heroin trade. Afghanistan now produces more than it did before the Taleban decided to ruin the party, mostly under the control of the brother of the "president" of Afghanistan and his mate Dostum the War Lord.
Paedophiles, drug dealers, terrorists, intelligence agents. We just need some old SS men and the party would be complete. Reminds me of the Cocaine Coup. Speaking of Nazis, the Nazis were notorious sponsors of the Muslim Brotherhood. Otto Skorzeny went to work in the Arab world after the war, too. And as long ago as the first world war the Kaiser was putting about rumours that he was a Muslim to try ot gain war supporters. Then the Germans started all that trouble in Bosnia, which ObL's al-Qaeda group was deep in. That was the BND, of course, the successors of the Gehlen Org. Then there were all those German neo-Nazis involved in the OKC bombing with Mujahid Menepta/Melvin Lattimore and the rest of the Arab connection.
On the subject of Hospicker, he's recently linked Hilliard and the SRI, which was used for both psychic and mind control experiments by the CIA and company. Then we have ObL's aforementioned claims of working as a CIA psychic spy. Maybe he was just chatting up the girls with his big war talk. Chances are psychic spying doesn't work anyway, at least that's what notorious Satanist Michael Aquino claims.
So don't blame ObL, he was just doing his job. And where would we be without him? There's a literary reference I'm not well enough read to know of: a monk hears someone say "el diablo est muerte" and says "God no!".
And don't fall for any us vs them rhetoric either. Remember 9/11: not the evil muslims do, but the meeting between GWB's dad and ObL's brother. When they're talking to you, them is the muslims, but when they're in those meetings them is you. Fascist patriotism. When Franco was accusing the Spanish Republic of betraying Spain and claiming do defend Spain himself, he was using Fascist patriotism. The image of patriotism without the reality. Franco had his Italian aeroplanes, his German tanks, his Morrocan soldiers flown to Spain in British aeroplanes fueled by American oil companies who had redirected shipments from the legitimate government, and supported by the Vatican, and later with weapons brought through Portugal to avoid blockade.
What is lacking is sign of any local support at all, despite the nationalist rhetoric and eventual "Nationalist" title. Even the rural, conservative, right wing Basques fought against him. One of the reasons for the three year long civil war, as opposed to the planned immediate coup (and ultimate the reason for the African troops of Franco) was the reluctance of the Spanish troops to fight. Some were told they were on a drill, not a coup. Others had to be got drunk before being sent out so they wouldn't realise what they were doing. It at least one place they changed sides, in others the refused to fight and handed out weapons to civilians or were easily overcome by armed trade unionists.
But now I'm a fair way from ObL.
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